Elias Howe, born in 1819, an American inventor and a leading figure in the sewing machine industry. As early as 171 years ago, on September 10, 1846, the U.S. Patent Office issued the first patent on the sewing machine to Mr. Elias Howe. The patent number was "US 4750 A.", an improvement of sewing machines. It was registered the “HOWE” trademark, which was five years earlier than Singer brand sewing machine .
Elias Howe is the first person who invented lock stitch sewing machine and needle, is also the first person who invented zipper.In 1867, Howe's sewing machine won a gold medal in the Paris World's Fair.In the same year, he was awarded th Medal of Honorby Napoleon III.Although the "HOWE" sewing machine did not continue, HaoPersistence, dedication, the pursuit of excellence in detail andChanging humans' efforts to make clothing remain in history.So today, there is the "HOWE" brand, transliterated Chinese as "good and easy", it is the best commemorate for the great inventor Mr. Hao.
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